

Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin are a few of the most popular muscle and wrinkle relaxers on the market today. These work on localized muscle groups blocking communication between the brain and the muscle temporarily.

They provide smoothing of the skin for 3-5months and show a visible difference within 1-2 weeks.

Treatments are recommended 3-4 times a year for optimal benefits.

The Benefits of Neuromodulators:

If there is a stubborn line that shows up in photos that your mother has, or makeup settles perpetually, then this treatment is for you!

Preventative treatments can be beneficial in the form of a “sprinkling” effect, or you can titrate up to a therapeutic dose meant for the appearance of the reversal of aging.


Frequently Asked Questions

It’s important to avoid alcohol 24 hours prior to treatment, and to avoid blood thinners like ibuprofen (Advil or Excedrin), NSAIDs, fish oil, garlic tablets, etc. for about 1 week prior.

Avoid exerciseor strenuous activityfor 24 hours andlaying down for 4 hours after treatment.

Dysport starts showing results in 3-5days, with full results in 14 days.
Botoxand Xeomin start showing results in 7-10 days, with full results in 14 days.

- Forehead lines
- Frown lines
- Laugh lines or crow’s feet
- Uneven brows
- Heavy eyelids
- Skin laxity
- Gummy smile
- Square jaws

- Non-surgical treatment
- In and out treatments
- No downtime
- Proven track record
- High patientsatisfaction
- Reverses signs of aging
- Improves confidence
- Reasonable

Botox is an Allergan product, so we recommend utilizing their points system called Alle®.
Dysport is a Galderma product, so we recommend utilizing their points system called Aspire®.

If you’re frustrated that your wrinkles and facial lines make you look older than you feel, you’re the right candidate for Botox. It doesn’t matter if you’re male or female, 25 or 70; most people can benefit from Botox injections. Botox treatments are suitable for all adults dissatisfied with their prominent facial lines and wrinkles.
There’s a misconception that Botox is for older patients. In actuality, Botox treatments are also ideal for younger patients in their mid to late 20s who are just starting to see wrinkles. Collagen production starts decreasing on average at around age 28. Creating a treatment plan around this age is ideal for long-term, ideal results. By relaxing your facial muscles, Botox prevents you from developing deep wrinkles at an early age. As such, Botox can also help you maintain youthful skin longer.


Dermal fillers are used to alter the face where volume has been lost providing a lifted appearance and more contoured face shape.They can be used in the lips, cheeks, jawline, temples and more.

Both Allergan and Galderma family of fillers are utilized because no filler is a “one-size-fits-all” and the patient’s goals, skin integrity, and budget are always taken into consideration when choosing the right product.

The Benefits of Dermal Fillers:

The dermal fillers offered are all hyaluronic acid based meaning they are readily accepted by the body, with very few exceptions, and can be dissolved if necessary. The products range in longevity based on their properties, but on average can last between 6-24 months.

Those who may be interested in this procedure include patients wanting a preventative treatment or restorative treatment to turn back the hands of time.They are often used alongside the biostimulator, Sculptra, as it helps rebuild collagen.


Frequently Asked Questions

Fillers are injected below the surface of the skin to volumize areas that have lost fat, muscle, and bone. Also, fillers are an excellent tool to create slightly fuller lips, define a small chin or soften abnormalities of thenose.

In the hands of a skilled practitioner, dermal fillerssuch as Juvédermand Restalyne, can turn back the hands of time and give the face a more youthful look. By artistically “sculpting” the brows, cheeks, and lips one can become more attractive.

- Nonsurgical and outpatient treatments
- Minimal side effects
- Painless and comfortable treatment
- Quick in-and-out treatments
- No downtime
- Immediate results
- Natural-looking and subtle results
- Improved confidence
- Overall youthful appearance

Side effects of dermal fillers are usually mild and can range from redness, bruising, tenderness or swelling. Although exceedingly rare, infection is always a possibility. For maximum safety, fillers should only be injected by a highly qualified medical practitioner who has extensive training and experience.

Fillers can be used to perform a liquid facelift for the aging face or just to increase one’s attractiveness.

- Lip enhancement
- Deep folds
- Facial lines
- Wrinkle correction
- Lip augmentation
- Jaw and Chin Augmentation
- Facial contour shaping of the cheeks and as a temporary chin “implant” alternative
- Thin lines on the face and above the lips
- Lossof volume on your hands

Fillers can last from 9-18 months based on the area they are used.

Dermal fillers can be combined effectively with Botox Cosmetic, and Platelet Rich Plasma. Also, Botox Cosmetic treatments followed by a dermal filler is one of the most common combination treatments and can prolong the effects of dermal fillers.

As of last year, 1 in 8 cosmetic procedures were performed on men. More and more men are realizing the benefits of facial rejuvenation to maintain their edge in a youth driven society. Over 300,000 men received “Brotox” in 2011 alone.

Most clients return to work or normal activities right after a dermal filler treatment. Many dermal filler treatments such as the Liquidfacelift can be performed during lunch.

There are many dermal fillerson the market to reverse the signs of aging. A free consultation with a qualified medical provider will determine which is right for the client. Due to the ease of injection and longevity, hyaluronic acid fillers such as Juvédermand Restylane are frequently used in our office. Also, calcium hydroxyapatite filler, Radiesse or a poly-L-lactic acid filler, Sculptra are perfect for areas that need extra volume. Many times, an expert injector will utilize multiple fillers for the perfect look.

By seeking a medical practice who’snumber one concern is the patient’s safety and comfort, measures can be taken to lessen the discomfort of injections such as numbing cream, ice and anti-bruising gel. Also, blunt tip cannulas can decrease the discomfort and risk of bruising.

The best protection against post-filler lumpiness is a highly qualified medical provider who is familiar with all the nuances of dermal fillers and facial anatomy.


Sculptra is the ideal choice for those who want a natural overall facial re-volumization and improvement in their skin’s appearance. Sculptra is almost like magic, as this innovative injection produces gradual results over weeks to months after injection and results last years! It works as a collagen recruiter, encouraging your own body’s natural mechanisms to reverse the signs of aging, such as sagging skin, wrinkles, and loss of facial volume. If the above is what you are looking for, please schedule a consultation with us to discuss if Sculptra is right for you.

Sculptra is a collagen stimulator, also known as Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). Sculptra, is an injection biostimulator. It causes your body to produce collagen which initiates volume restoration to areas of the face that are depleted of soft tissue and fat due to aging, fat loss, etc.It causes gradual growth of collagen types 1 and 3, which are the collagens that make up skin tissue.Collagen gives your skin its firmness, volume, elasticity, and binds moisture, resulting in younger-looking skin.


Frequently Asked Questions

This procedure is most beneficial to those looking for subtle enhancements or preventative solutions.

- Effective facial contouring
- Effective body contouring
- Painless treatment
- Non-surgical enhancements
- Outpatient procedure
- Concludes within a few minutes
- Long-lasting results
- Gradual appearance to avoid a dramatic reveal
- Natural-looking results
- Boosts your body’s collagen reserves
- No downtime

Sculptra has been most notable used to reverse the gaunt appearance associated with weight loss and aging. Injections are performed to any area of the body experiencing skin laxity, severe volume depletion, or most importantly...THE BOOTY!

The results of Sculptra injections can last upwards of 2 years and are repeated at the 2-yearmark. For best results, a series of at least 2-3 Sculptra injections every 4-6 weeks is recommended.

The Sculptra solution isabsorbed within 24-48 hours and the most significant growth to the tissue is noted at the 4–6-weekmark.

Your provider will discuss this during your consultation.

- Loss of volume
- Textural irregularities
- Unwanted facial lines
- Wrinkles and creases
- Hollow or gaunt appearance
- Asymmetrical concerns

Platelet Rich Plasma

What It Is Platelet Rich Plasma?
One of the main functions of platelets is to help the body heal and repair itself.Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is obtained from a patient’s own blood and contains an enhanced concentration of platelets (4 to 7 times). Increasing the concentration of platelets accelerates the wound healing process and forms the foundation for tissue repair. PRP secretes cytokines, induces coagulation, and releases platelet-derived growth factors which stimulate tissue regeneration and healing. Autologous PRP injections have been used safely in many therapeutic areas, including treatment of facial aging and hair loss.PRP is non-antigenic and contains no synthetic agents resulting in almost no local or systemic reactions. The process for obtaining PRP is FDA approved and treatments on the face and in the scalp are safe with minimal side-effects. Since PRP is derived from the patient’s own blood, it is very well tolerated.

What does Prep treat?
Facial Rejuvenation –combined with, micro needling and/or injections to treat fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, skin surface texture, elasticity, firmness, discoloration, acne scars, dark under eye circles, age related sun damage, redness, and rosacea. It may also be used on the body to treat stretch marks and scarring.Typically, 3 to 5 treatments are performed for ideal outcomes, with a yearly maintenance treatment recommended.

Hair loss –age related hair loss/thinning also known as Androgenic Alopecia. PRP can be used in prevention and hair regrowth without grafts, surgery, or plugs. Typically, 3 to 10 treatments are performed for ideal outcomes, with 1-2 yearly maintenance treatments recommended.

Who is good candidate?
PRP is generally considered safe as a treatment for most patients. Contraindications include an active infection, porphyria, cancer, recent or current chemotherapy, hemophilia, platelet disorders, chronic liver pathology, use of anticoagulation therapies such as warfarin, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, dermatitis, eczema, amyloidosis, scleroderma, and systemic use of corticosteroids such as prednisone, triamcinolone, hydrocortisone within 2 weeks of treatment.



Eliminate unwanted fat and say good bye to that double chin!

Kybella is a liquid form of deoxycholic acid which is injected into an area of the body where stubborn fat is noticeable ranging from the “double chin” to bra fat or the lower belly pooch.This is a treatment that requires minimal downtime, although, a noticeably swollen appearance will be noted for 3-5 days. This is currently the only injectable FDA approved for permanent fat loss.

The Benefits of Kybella:
This treatment is best suited for those with stubborn fat pockets in their body and who would like to avoid surgical intervention. Although this does not take place of surgery, it does provide desirable results to those looking to tweak small areas of frustration.In a way, it provides tailored body contouring without the significant downtime that surgery requires.

Kybella produces results after 4-8 weeks, but you’ll continue seeing improvements to your silhouette as your fat cells are gradually absorbed and metabolized. The treatment results are permanent, but you must maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet.

Who doesn’t love a little liquid lipo?


Frequently Asked Questions

Deoxycholic acid is naturally found within the body inside the auxiliary bile duct released by intestinal bacteria. The purpose of the injection is to denature the outer protein layer of the fat cell causing it to become unstable and die.

This procedure may need to be performed numerous times to achieve the desired look (often 2-3 times).

Kybella is suitable for most people with minimal contraindications because it relies on a compound that’s readily available in the human body. Kybella is suitable for adults who have excess fat tissues under their chin resulting in a double chin. If you’ve tried exercise and dieting to no avail, then Kybella injections can help you achieve a slender and contoured appearance. However, you may not qualify for the treatment if you’re taking blood-thinning medications, have a history of allergies, are pregnant, have excessive skin laxity, or plan on undergoing surgery in the submental region.

- Stubborn fat tissues
- Submental fullness or "double chin"

Most Kybella treatments conclude within 20 minutes. Common side effects include some swelling, discomfort, or burning around the injection sites, but these side effects will dissipate gradually.


If you already have a treatment in mind, or haven’t decided, a consultation can help establish which treatment options are right for you. Your consultation is your timefor you to share your aesthetic concerns and desired outcomes. For us to get to know one another. Time for you to learn about treatments options; realistic outcomes; potential complications; and post treatment care to achieve optimal results.